I am a Front-end and WordPress Developer with experience in modern technologies such as React.JS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap.
I am passionate about what I'm doing and see every task as a challenge and an opportunity to get better.

My Resume
  • Innovative
  • Passionate
  • Creative


Exploring innovative solutions through diverse projects.


Role Playing game

to Dragon Repeller. You must defeat the dragon that is preventing people from leaving the town.

View Project
Life Expectancy Prediction

Music Player

Built a dynamic music player, showcasing seamless playback and intuitive controls.

View Project
Pale Blue Dot Visualization Challenge

Coffee Website

Designed impactful visualizations with JavaScript for Coffee shop website, featuring aesthetic design .

View Dashboard


  • Front end Developer Intern

    Gained hands-on experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop responsive web pages.

  • SWE Fellow at Headstarter

    Developed 5+ AI apps using Next.js, OpenAI, Pinecone, and Stripe API. Aiming for 1,000 waitlist sign-ups, 1,000 account creations, or $1,000 in revenue.


  • Hackathons

    Tackle challenges in hackathons, generating and implementing innovative solutions.

  • Coding

    Sharpen problem-solving skills with LeetCode challenges.

  • Journaling

    Capture thoughts and insights through daily journaling to stay organized.

  • Reading Books

    Reading helps me understand the world better.